Contact Info

Manager: Mrs Deborah Pearson


Phone Number: 07917 107684

Ofsted Registration Number: EY 396707

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Learning Tree Timebridge.

Fieldway, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 9AZ

The learning tree Timebridge have close links with local Primary schools. We are based in a community building on the fieldway estate. We operate term time and welcome children from two to five years, offering all Early Years funding.

We have a large open planned classroom with free flow access to the large outdoor area.

News and Updates

We are currently accepting new children for the September 2025 intake, please contact the setting for information.

Kind regards

Debbie and team

Staff Info

Deborah Pearson - started work at the learning tree in september 2009

Manager/ Designated Safeguarding Lead/ General Data Protection Officer/ SENDCO Deputy

Qualifcations and latest training : CACHE Level 3. Keeping Children Safe Level 1/ Level 3. Paediatric First Aid. Raising Safeguarding Standards in organisations working with children. One to One Supervision. Advanced Level in Management.

Managing children's Behaviour. Makaton. I Am Two. Maths through everyday play.

Joanne Green - started work at the learning tree in september 2009

Deputy Manager/ SENDCO

Higher Education in Early Years Practice Level 4. Keeping Children Safe Level 1/ Level 3. Paediatric First Aid

Provision Mapping. I Am Two. Maths through everyday play. Social Communication Awareness. Makaton. Managing children's behaviour

Kelly Ingrams - started work at the learning tree in FEBRUARY 2016

Early years practitioner

Qualifications and latest training: : CACHE Level 3. Keeping Children Safe. Paediatric First Aid. I Am Two.

Maths through everyday play. Managing children's behaviour. Makaton

Rachel Clark - started work at learning tree in April 2017

Early years practitioner

CACHE Level 3. Keeping Children Safe. Paediatric First Aid. I Am Two. Managing children's behaviour.

Emma Harwood - started work at the learning tree in January 2019

Early years practitioner

Qualifications and latest traning : CACHE Level 2. Keeping Children Safe. Paediatric First Aid.

 I Am Two, Maths in everyday play. Managing children's behaviour. Makaton.

Jade Quinn - started work at the learning tree in January 2019

Early years practitioner

Qualifications and latest training: :CACHE Level 2. I Am Two. Maths in everyday play. Managing children's behaviour

Paediatric First Aid.


Early years practitioner

Qualifications and latest training: :  CACHE Level 3. Keeping Children Safe. Paediatric First Aid.

I Am Two. Maths in everyday play. Managing children's behaviour, Makaton.

Useful Links

The following link takes you to the current EYFS statutory framework documents

The following link takes you to the EYFS Parents Guide. It will help you as a parent/carer find out more about how your child is learning and developing during their first five years, in relation to the EYFS. Children develop more rapidly during the first five years of their lives than at any other time. This booklet has been written to help you as a parent know what to expect during these vitally important years by focusing on the seven areas of learning and development which are covered in the EYFS.

Come and see us!